Organisation of scientific events and scientific animation
Monthly seminars "Forests, Climate, Society" (2022), Nancy (France)
International conference of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) sub-division 4.04.07 Risk analysis "Socio-ecological conflicts in forest management : Risks of (not) adapting?" (2022), Nancy (France)
Workshop “Crises en forêt : impacts économiques et viabilité des solutions d’adaptation" at the ReGeFor workshop (2021), Nancy (France)
Workshop “Economie et politiques du carbone forestier” (2019), Nancy (France)
Involvement in collective research projects
Coordination of the LabEx ARBRE project “Spatial and dynamic optimisation of forest management” (OPT²FOR) (2022-2024)
Participation at the projects: FORADAPT (2016-2017), ForRISK (2018-2019), DIVES (2021), BIOSYLVE (2022), REPLANT-CLIC (2022), Identifying proxies for drought tolerance in Sitka spruce to enhance forest resilience (2022-2025)
Member of professional networks
INRAE metaprogrammes: CLIMAE, XRisques
RisqFor network
Editorial activity
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals: American Journal of Climate Change (2020), Annals of Forest Science (2019, 2023), Ecological Economics (2020, 2021, 2023), Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (2023), Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research (2021)
Member of the editorial committee of the Revue Forestière Française (2023)